One of the nation’s top financial educators and acclaimed authors, Ash Exantus, better known as Ash Cash launches new hip-hop inspired daily digital finance show, The Ash Cash Show. The show features a live stream broadcast on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, Twitch, and IGTV, Monday through Friday at 8 a.m. Eastern. It will then replay on all of the same platforms, providing several opportunities for viewers to watch shows and recover ones they may have missed.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, unprecedented unemployment, and the uncertainty of the economy, Exantus believes that a financial voice is needed for those who are often left out. He says, “I once heard, when the country catches a cold, black folks get pneumonia and with the current coronavirus pandemic, this has been nothing but facts!” Whether its numbers reported by media or the devastation that is happening in our real lives, the coronavirus has disproportionately impacted black Americans.
“This is not a fire drill! Those who are blessed with knowledge have an obligation to give that knowledge to those who need it the most.” Exantus said on Friday during his live broadcast of The Ash Cash Show.
The 4x best-selling author has tapped 2x Emmy Award-nominated TV producer Joseph Escobar and Media producer Chawn Bracey to assist with the show. Exantus is asking viewers to “support culturally relevant financial journalism” in the form of hitting the support button on
Exantus is dubbed as the Hip-Hop Financial Motivator and uses a culturally responsive approach in teaching financial literacy and entrepreneurship. He has been featured on popular, national media outlets such as Sway in the Morning, Earn Your Leisure Podcast,, BET, CNNMoney, The New York Times, WSJ, American Banker, CNBC, Forbes, Black Enterprise, Essence Magazine, Pix11 Morning News, and countless others.
The podcast version of his show currently has over 250K downloads.